the knowledge: strength training for runners by Leigh Gerson
As a runner, chances are you've frequently thought about how much yoga, strength training, or improving your diet could benefit your running. Maybe you even used that free guest pass your friend had to that yoga studio or pressed play on a YouTube workout or ate a salad for lunch that one time. Well, this ain't elementary school and there ain't no gold star system in place. You could be doing more, and it shows.
The Knowledge is our ongoing series for transforming thinking into doing. We ask experts to distill a lifetime of knowledge into short instructional videos that make it impossible for you to mess up or find an excuse. In other words, we've done most of the thinking for you, now all you need to do is do.
This week, we present a 13‑minute strength-training sequence for runners by Leigh Gerson (@gersonperson)

Leigh is from New York City. As punk rock as it gets, she one-upped Kanye by dropping out of the Ivy League and took a long complicated detour that can't be summed up in this short bio. Her love of learning and inability to sit still led her to seek certifications in personal training, strength and conditioning, yoga, mobility and pilates. She loves art, music and living on the beach in LA. She hates small talk but geeks out on science.
Leigh's playlist on Spotify and Apple Music.