Phone it in

Callie Vinson

When a friend of POSSESSED suggested featuring ultra-runner Callie Vinson in this issue’s Phone It In, we were like, ‘Oh, she looks cool, she runs a bunch, and she’s in AZ—perfect.’ What we didn’t realize is Callie isn’t just your garden variety ultra-nerd—she also happens to be a transformation powerhouse. 

Callie was once significantly overweight, but in 2013, she went out and purchased her first pair of running shoes and began a love affair with the sport. By 2015, she’d lost 100 lbs, and by 2016, she’d dropped 200 lbs and completed her first race: The Chicago Marathon. The following year, she doubled that distance and ran the 2017 Chicago Lakefront 50/50. Then she ran a 100 miler in 2019 and a 200+ miler in 2022. Insane. Today, Callie is a running coach and an advocate for body diversity and inclusivity, and she’s signed to Janji, Gu, Topo Athletic, and Ultimate Direction.

How’s that for flipping the script? We sent her a shot list.

Most Recent Photo On Your Phone

It was NYE last night, so my partner Scott and I scooted over to Across the Years (a looped race here in AZ) to cheer runners, eat Indian food, and celebrate—until 9 pm. Then we went home to bed.

Something You Recently Ate in Arizona

It was NYE last night, so my partner Scott and I scooted over to Across the Years (a looped race here in AZ) to cheer runners, eat Indian food, and celebrate—until 9 pm. Then we went home to bed.

The Most Arizona-ish Thing You Own 

A 5-gallon jug because running out of water is a real thing down here.

A Favourite Arizonian 

My boo thang, Scott Traer. He’s Bostonian through and through, but we met here at an ultramarathon, and neither of us has left the state since.

Something That Might Bite You in Arizona 


The Inside of Your Arizonian Refrigerator

Big fans of sparkling water here, and also a solid chug of Coke right before every run.

A Favourite Place in Arizona 

First favorite place is this seat because it usually means good times were had. My second favorite place would be about 4,500 feet down, where you learn real quick just how small we all are.

A Tattoo and the Story Behind it

I was born and raised in Florida and never dared go into the water because of how scared I was to get bit by a shark. This is my reminder to keep chasing big, scary things.

The Place You Keep All Your Running Gear

This is probably where the most concentrated amount of gear is. Everything else is scattered amongst multiple closets, drawers, and cars.

A Picture of You Looking Really Tired

This was a mile or so from the ‘finish line’ of my Maricopa Trail FKT — a 247-ish mile journey that circumnavigated the entire Phoenix valley on 4-6 hours of sleep.

Your Proudest Moment in Running

Hands down, it was when I decided to take the first step in taking control of my health, which included picking up running because I absolutely despised it. My thought was, ‘If I can conquer running, I can conquer anything.’


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