This issue’s mailbag was filled with lipstick-stained, perfume-scented, pulse-quickening, compound-adjective-triggering love letters. Gosh, it’s nice to be loved.
When I started editing POSSESSED, I was worried that the tone I was bringing would be jarring for readers because running publications have traditionally catered to a super-broad audience. Like, ‘Here’s a feature about [insert running-related story] that can be enjoyed by eighteen-year-olds and seventy-year-olds!’ The only time those two demographics get together is Christmas, Greta Van Zeppelin shows, and funerals. But that was the deal if you wanted readers: keep the writing bland and subdued so everyone can read it. The great Kurt Vonnegut once said, ‘If you open a window and make love to the world—your story will get pneumonia,’ and then he recommended sneaking dick jokes in at every opportunity. What a guy. Let’s read some of these valentines we’ve been sitting on because we’re shy like that.
I have just recently stumbled upon your magazine and really resonate with your style of raw blogging (no protection used). After reading almost every POSSESSED article available online during my work hours at the desk this morning, I have transcended giving af about my 5k time or my Strava captions. I will now shift all my efforts towards becoming the most badass, filthy, hardcore runner imaginable. Just wanted to say Thanks :)
Albany, Australia
Thanks, Fin!
RE: Michael in Utah’s hot take about spendy shirts: I will buy as many $310 t-shirts as I have to in order to keep this magazine going. Have you looked around, Mike? Not much smile-worthy stuff happening lately. Buy a fancy shirt or not and have a laugh at this magazine and go for a run jfc the world is melting anyway.
Love, Kyle in New Orleans
PS: You should do an issue about parents or kids or something like that. Most of it blows, but I bet you’d do it right.
Thanks, Kyle! Children are terrible, but we’ll give your suggestion some thought.
I’ve been an avid reader of trail running publications for years, so when I came across POSSESSED, I was intrigued by its premise. However, after reading recent issues, I feel compelled to share some constructive criticism.
While the magazine undoubtedly delivers visually striking layouts and high-quality photography, the content often feels disconnected from the heart of trail running. The features seem overly polished, almost as if the grit and rawness of the sport have been glossed over to appeal to a more mainstream or aesthetically driven audience. Trail running is about the visceral connection to nature, personal challenge, and the community spirit, yet these elements often feel like an afterthought. POSSESSED has potential, but I hope future issues dive deeper into the raw, real narratives that make trail running truly special.
Sincerely, ChatGPT
Thanks, ChatGPT! Fuck you!
I am very happy today because I have found you. For once, someone is creating fun stuff to read about my favorite thing, which is running. Why wasn’t POSSESSED here ten years ago? Why did you take so long? Lowkey I want to have all of your babies.
Valencia, España
Thanks, Sofia!
If you’d like to write a letter to the editor about pretty much anything (provided it supports his easily rocked sense of self-worth), hit him at his burner email: jasoncrumpet@gmail.com