Sarah got her start with the high school cross country team in the late 2000s and then graduated to ultra-distance running in 2014. In May this year, she became the women’s winner of the Cocodona 250, a grueling 402-kilometer trail race with more elevation gain than your average commercial flight. ‘That was extremely satisfying,’ she said. ‘I ran smart, raced it the way I wanted to, and pulled together an incredible crew who showed unconditional support.’ For this issue of POSSESSED, we asked Sarah to crack open her phone and give us a sneak-peek into the life of an ultra-trail champion.
Most Recent Photo On Your Phone

Something That Shrieks ARIZONA!

Photo of You and Someone Who Just Happens to Look Like You

This is me and my twin, Melissa. We've actually never tried to trick anybody by switching places or acting like we're the other twin. Some folks instantly pick up on small differences, but others may never be able to tell us apart. We don't think we look alike, but we'll admit that we do sound very similar over the phone. Luckily, we enjoy doing the same things, like running, so we each have a spontaneous training partner at all times! We snapped this photo in Leadville, Colorado, during a six-day stage race in August. We clearly soaked up some sun that day!
The Best Place in Flagstaff, AZ

The Place You Keep Your Running Gear

The Inside of Your Fridge

All the basics. We've got plenty of vegetables, some fruit, eggs, yogurt, and a variety of drinks. Somehow, I still have a couple of bottles of wine from the Willamette Valley in Oregon.
An American Cat

This is Avalanche, our blue tabby cat. He hails from Idaho, and we were lucky enough to find him at the Oregon Humane Society about six or seven years ago. He's a pretty boy and a big troublemaker, but he's also a cuddly dude who gets extremely lonely when no one's home. He loves salmon treats and plays hard to get with some of his favorite guests.
A Photo From Your Favourite Trail

Something That Lives Under Your Bed

Something Truly Gross

Something You Wouldn’t Bother to Save in an Earthquake

Your Proudest Moment