Maaaan, have we got a treat for your ears this month. You're talkin' Satisfy pro Matt Lenehan, you're talkin' Eagle Rock Run Club's Dan Faughnder, and you're talkin' the guy with stage name Skinny Macho. Three dudes, three playlists, two ears, two legs, one life... You do the math. Or don't.

Matt Lenehan: Satisfy Pro
'This mix would go well on a peaceful afternoon drive down the I-280 to run club practice. You're 20 minutes into driving and, in a daze, think, "Hey, did I forget my keys?" At that moment, the car screeches to a halt because you did, in fact, forget them. You then call AAA, but they politely inform you that you have the wrong number and that this is actually just a AAA battery speaking on the other line. "My mistake," you think to yourself. Next, Google Maps alerts you of a stalled vehicle on the highway. You look down and the app is showing a photo of you. It's a pretty good picture tbh, so you add it to your IG story and cook up the caption "They call me ‘dictator’ the way I'm Stalin' on the highway 😤," while the remaining 40 minutes of the mix plays.'

Skinny Macho
'Sound is LIFE—I need it—at breakfast, on my commute and even to put my kiddos to sleep (no kidding). More importantly, I necessitate my runs around music. It dictates the mood, pace, and how long I'll stay out for. Already tried & tested around the Iberian Peninsula and later refined during the Nordic winter in my short shorts—let the trax flow (in order) as it peaks and troughs its way through your energy levels.'

Dan Faughnder: Eagle Rock Run Club
'lt's not necessarily a fast playlist, or themed around anything other than songs I like to listen to when I go for my silly little runs. A little mix of punk, metal, ambient music, some power pop and hardcore, just jams that make me want to run forever. If I was truly honest, this would be a playlist of 25 fast food podcasts, but these songs are cool too.'
@eaglerockrunclub / photo: Joshua Kim
*Check out our complete playlist library here.