Phone it in

Mike Versteeg

This is the fifth installment of Phone It In we've done since launching the all-new POSSESSED in July, and, for my money, it is the best because it's with Satisfy Pro Athlete Michael Versteeg, who loathes cell phones and, as far as I can tell, despises the Internet. Consequently, he broke the Phone It In rules and pieced together what can only be described as a masterpiece. It came with the following note:

'Disclaimer. I just had a daughter. Every answer is her. Every photo on my phone is of her. The honest answer to every question is her. In our attempt to keep her completely off the Internet, I will give the next most appropriate answer to all of these. She is great, but not for sharing. I also RARELY take photos of anything, and I absolutely hate my phone for anything other than crossword puzzles. This will be a stretch.'

Most Recent Photo On Your Phone

As I was walking upstairs to begin writing this, I snapped this pic for the 'Something You Need to Throw Out' photo. But when I sat down and began writing, I looked at the last picture on my phone, and it was this. Now what do I do? When you have a kid, you are gifted some seriously insane shit. I'm pretty sure this is for toddlers to scoot around on and defecate. But still play? It's also insane looking. What the hell is it?

The Most Arizonian Thing In Arizona

I have absolutely no idea what the answer to this question is. Probably guns. I don't have a gun to take a photo of.

Your Favorite Arizonian

Saddles 100 crew. Take your pick.

Where You Are When You're Not Running

Out in the shop, shaking the neighbors.

An Animal You Have Made Friends With

My dog, Dio. Dio is a good boy.

The Inside of Your Fridge

This feels wildly intrusive. Diets don't matter. Eat candy. Here's a photo of our eggs.

The Place You Keep All Your Running Gear

Wildly strewn about everywhere all the time. Sometimes stuffed onto these shelves.

The Best Place in Arizona

The Grand Canyon is the best place in Arizona. This is not up for debate. (I don't have any photos of the Grand Canyon, but I think there are some on the web).

A Tattoo & The Story Behind It

A few years ago, I was in Nicaragua trying to overcome my fear of the ocean by surfing next to shore. There happened to be the Fuego y Agua 100k race happening on the volcanoes. I decided to run. After the race, there was a lady giving tattoos in her van. My friends all chipped in, and since I always wanted a coffee mug tattoo, she drew a coffee mug with the volcanoes we each summited twice.

Something You Found Down the Back of Your Couch

I didn't find anything. There is, however, a Gravedigger toy ON my couch.

Something You Need to Throw Out

I am modifying my statement earlier about every answer being my daughter. I do not want to throw her out, nor did I find her down the back of my couch. I have a Star Trek: The Next Generation magnet set on my fridge. My wife keeps Commander Riker in the freezer as she is not a fan of him using The Enterprise as his intergalactic pussy wagon. It would probably make her happy if I threw him away.

Your Proudest Moment

Margo Mosy Versteeg being born. Here is a photo of Ronnie James Dio.
