Goddamn. Whose idea was it to start a ‘Letters to the Editor’ department? My inbox has been flooded with emails from people all over the world, many of them strangers offering to provide ‘valuable insights’ about ‘target demographics’ or something. Mostly, though, it’s been readers wanting to say hello, which is nice. If you don’t see your letter below, hello!
Hey Dude,
The other day, I was about to get cozy with a girl, and the socks came off, and she saw my black toes. Of course, she got traumatized by them and asked if I had plague or something. Well, my first thought, obviously, was that this could work as an article for POSSESSED, cuz I realized I cannot really justify why it happens if you're a trail runner.
Love POSSESSED, cheers!
Albert. You can expect a story on how to attain and maintain black toes in the next issue. Thanks for writing!
Hi Jason,
I’ve been following the POSSESSED journal for years now and am an avid Satisfy wearer. One thing I think your brand does well is allow people to be a part of something bigger while still remaining their individual self. In running today, one thing that gets to me is this rise of over-information. Everybody with a selfie stick and a pair of shoes is now giving advice about meal prep, training, mile times, gear… whatever. There’s a soullessness to it that irks the shit out of me. What happened to just being yourself and doing your thing? Alone is okay. Alone is not having to prove anything to anyone except yourself. Alone is a greater connection to self and environment.
I don’t know exactly where this is going, but thanks for listening to me ramble.
Stay good.
Hey Will, I think I know where you’re coming from. It gets pretty serious out there, and that’s kinda why POSSESSED is answering space mail and making up pizza recipes. We’re all gonna die eventually, so who cares? Thanks for your letter!
Dear Jase or Jason or do you prefer Ed?
Wanted to say great job at the helm of such a unique publication. Love the fresh tips and new perspective on running. I’m loving the Running Stars especially. Did you actually get an astrologer to write them? Because I wanted to let you know that all your advice is totally on point!!! It’s crazy! I'm a Cancer, and I received an outburst of verbal abuse from an old man as I ran past him the other day.
Hey Alexa, we make up the Running Stars as we go along—that's why they're so stupid. I’m glad they work for you, though!
The Eat It section is my favourite and I found the Speed Swill super tasty (also great with vodka). However, I just wanted to share a quick story about the Hells Bells Gels. I think you need a better solution for storing them. I was out for a run last weekend and had made up a batch of 'jimmy hats' to keep me fueled on the run. I was going for 18 miles +. I had 4 gels stored in the pockets of my shorts. The first thing was that the gel was kinda hard to get out of the latex packaging. While I was doing so, I had my head tipped right back and tripped on an uneven patch of footpath. I rolled my ankle and fell over, reeling in pain. The gel had leaked onto my face and was sort of stuck there having wrapped itself around onto my chin and onto my cheek. Next thing this mother and her two kids are there helping me up. As I rolled over to get her help, I noticed her face went bright red and her eldest child was like ‘What's that, mommy?’ She then jumped back aghast and screamed. The gels were tasty, but any solution to help me avoid looking like I've been sucking the contents from a 'jimmy hat' would be greatly appreciated.
The jimmy hats thing was a joke, Shane. Kinda hoping your letter is a joke, too...
Hi Jason,
I thought I'd pop you a reminder of the 15-minute meeting I've reserved for us, to discuss the setup of your complimentary demo and test run. We're looking forward to showing you the businesses visiting your website and how we can maximize your online presence.
Let me know a date and time that suits, this week?
This week is pretty crazy, Summer. Things should calm down by May 32nd 2086. Maybe we can chat then.
Write to POSSESSED HERE: jasoncrumpet@gmail.com