Maybe you should get a bus. You probably could’ve bought one already with the money you spent on rent this year. Rent money is dead money, man. Get an E350, whack a mattress in the back, and start living your best life on the trails. You only live once. Do it. Do it. Do it.
Most Recent Photo On Your Phone

First Thing You See When You Wake Up

The Other Thing You See When You Wake Up

Aside from the cabinets, this is the first thing I see in the morning when I get out of bed. What you see here is nearly my entire living quarters.
The Place You Keep All Your Running Gear

This is my multi-purpose bathroom/gear storage closet where I keep some of my running gear (packs, poles, etc.). To be honest, my running gear is tucked away in various spots all throughout my bus.
A Dog, A Cat, or A Bird

One of Your Favorite Humans

This is one of my favorite humans, my wonderful girlfriend Jess.
You As a Kid

Not me as a kid, but me with a kid—my nephew Ansel, who probably looks a bit like me when I was a kid.
The Inside of Your Refrigerator

Where You Are When You're Not Running

A Scar & The Story Behind It

Something From Under Your Bed

Your Proudest Moment