These days, everyone’s running, and if they’re not running, they’re about to start running, or they’re thinking about running, or they’re lame.
We all know Nick Cave runs, and everyone is well aware that Patti Smith has completed her fair share of marathons, but did you know the drummer from Soundgarden, Liam Gallagher, and the voice of Marge Simpson are all keen runners? You did? Okay, well, they’re all pretty pedestrian (get it?)—but what about the batch of interesting, creative people you wish you were friends with below? Bet you didn’t know they were running. And you certainly didn’t know we sent them each a questionnaire to find out why they're running, in the not so vain hope that it might light a fire under you and make you a running-addicted freak as well.

Name: Alex Henery
Age: 36
Location: Los Angeles
Occupation: Musician
First Run:
When I lived in Boston, I would always see the runners darting around the streets and by the Charles River, and for some reason, I despised them. Running just seemed so pointless to me; the last thing I wanted to do was run. If I wanted to get somewhere faster, I would skate there. But when the pandemic hit, I knew I had to make a change to get outside and try to get some exercise. The year would have been 2020, when I logged my first run on the Nike app. I went too fast too soon and burned out pretty quick. It was freezing cold at the time, and I probably only went 2 miles, but it confirmed I still hated running. So, I started jumping rope instead. It wasn’t until I moved to LA and my friend, Tim, brought me to a run club that it finally clicked, and I actually started enjoying running.
Most Recent Run:
The date is 10/02/24, and I just got back from my favorite run around Elysian Park in LA. It’s a 5-mile stretch that includes trail and road with a mix of incline and flat, and you get an incredible view of the city. I actually took Brice from Satisfy on this run last year when he was in town!
How/Why did you start running?
I started running because I felt the need to make a more healthy step in my life by being active on a regular basis.
What’s the best thing about running?
There’s a point when running can feel like skating: you’re in tune with everything around you, especially with trail running, when you’re dodging bushes, jumping over rocks, avoiding holes, and it just feels fun—but also, you have a purpose: to finish the run. I like that driving force to complete something.
What’s the worst thing about running?
The injuries. I currently have something going on with my knee, and it is extremely frustrating. I hate knowing that the best thing is probably just rest because I like to always be doing something.
Why are you still running?
Honestly, I just like being outside, and running is one of the easiest ways to experience the outdoors. You don’t need much—just the willpower to lace up your shoes and leave the house.

Name: Michelle Li
Age: 30
Location: New York City
Occupation: Stylist and Writer
First Run:
My first run was when I was in 5th grade in Indiana. We all had to run the mile for gym class. My time was 8 minutes, and I felt really proud of myself, even though I didn't know what the numbers meant or even how much a mile was. But I remember really loving it and wanting to try out for the cross-country team when I went to middle school. It definitely was a big core memory for me.
Most Recent Run:
I ran Hood to Coast in August of this year, and it was really beautiful. One of my legs was at midnight, and the distance was about 6 miles. It felt so good to just run into the darkness with my headlamp and the fresh mountain air.
How/Why did you start running?
I grew up playing tennis, but once I moved to NYC, I realized it's tough to get court time here. I wanted to find another way to be outside and exercise, so I started running and realized that it really helps clear my mind and is worth making space for in my schedule.
What’s the best thing about running?
Being outside.
What’s the worst thing about running?
Finding the right running shoes.
Why are you still running?
Well, Victor (my personal trainer) told me that I need to retire from running because it's too easy to get injured, but it's even harder to stop now because I have been doing so much strength training that it's made running a lot more fun for me. I'm not very fast, but I'm at a good place where I can run a lot and mentally go on autopilot while I do it. I'm so accustomed to running being about accepting the suffering, but now it's just a space for me to think.

Name: Matt West
Age: 33
Location: North Wales, UK
Occupation: Musician/Guitar in Neck Deep
First Run:
5k around my local village at the beginning of 2022. First time out was barely a run, but after a week or so, I started to see some progress. Typical beginner mistake, though, of just trying to cane every run as fast as I could and wondering why I was feeling beat.
Most Recent Run:
Walt’s to the Sea IV, 2024, with the only run club in the world: Eagle Rock Run Club. A 32k run from Walt’s bar in Eagle Rock all the way through LA to the end of Santa Monica pier. I hadn’t run with my club in almost a year; great time catching up with old and new mates.
How/Why did you start running?
Hit 30, caught myself in the mirror, and thought, 'Who the fuck is that?' I started the next day by going to a local running shop, buying a load of gear, and attempting 5k’s every other day. Caught the bug, and then, as usual, each time I hit a benchmark distance, it didn’t seem enough. I used to talk about never wanting to do a Marathon—now I can’t wait to do more.
What’s the best thing about running?
Breaking down social barriers. It’s hard as you get older to make friends, but running with someone—even if you’ve got fuck all in common with them—instantly gives you something to chat about. We’ve all got runner’s mouth. Get us going, and typically, we won’t stop chatting.
What’s the worst thing about running?
The fact that one strong wind feels like it might turn my legs into dust in a skin sack. Small price to pay, mind.
Why are you still running?
Couldn’t imagine my life without it now; always something to chase, always makes me feel better, always brings me closer to the friends I’ve met, and I always feel accomplished whenever I get back from a run.

Name: Philipp Ohme
Age: 36
Location: Melbourne, Australia
Occupation: Tattoo Artist/Illustrator
First Run:
My first run was in my hometown when I was about 18. I’m from a pretty remote area in Germany, which is mountainous and has lots of trails. The only running was trail running. Otherwise, I would have had to run up and down the only road that led through town. My first run was not very far. Maybe 5km. I was really into mountain biking then and did lots of touring, etc. So, I was kinda fit, which made the run feel pretty ok. I loved it and started running a couple of times per week after that.
Most Recent Run:
That was today, 6 am in Melbourne. It was a super nice morning with a beautiful sunrise. I ran 12 km through my neighborhood to a path that goes along a little creek. I love running there. It feels like you're not in the city at all. You can hear the birds singing and the sound of the water flowing. It’s my favorite place in the city. I’m currently training for the Melbourne marathon.
How/Why did you start running?
I never liked team sports, and this might sound crazy, but running seemed kinda niche to me at the time. As I said earlier, I did a lot of mountain biking. This allowed me to be outside, but I didn't like that I was moving through nature so quickly. Running was slower, and I could take it all in and enjoy it much more. Unfortunately, I had a long stint off running after I moved to the city. For years, it has been on and off. But I started back again three years ago and found peace with running on asphalt.
What’s the best thing about running?
Freedom. I can run anywhere in the world at any time. Also, the fact that I can just do it alone is one of the main factors for me. Don't get me wrong, I love being with people. But my favorite time to run is at 5 am because it feels like I have the world to myself. No people walking around. I don't even see a lot of cars. I've been really enjoying this time, and it sets me up with a clear mind for the day. My body feels great, and my brain works better.
What’s the worst thing about running?
Getting injured. Although, I haven’t had any major injuries. When I started, every run was a long run. I only understood later that not every run has to be as fast and as far as possible.
Why are you still running?
Probably because I can't get it out of my brain. Even in the times I took off running, I never stopped thinking about running. I also have a few more goals that I want to tick off.

Name: Vivian Kim
Age: 30
Location: NYC/LA
Occupation: Director/Photographer
First Run:
I’ve been running around recklessly probably before I could walk! My first memories of times running, though, are from mile days in high school P.E.
Most Recent Run:
2024/Basel, Switzerland/6 miles. I was in Basel for a Nike Running trip and had the best time. Everyone I ran with was so cool, creative, kind, and fun. I’ve always felt disdain toward running clubs (lol), but this trip may have changed that.
How/Why did you start running?
I was always a very active kid growing up. I loved to be fast and play sports. Running was fun and gave me something to do in my spare time. I kind of just fell into it. Then, in college, I actually accidentally(?) walked on to a D1 team (*definitely* not due to any actual running skills, but more due to a mix of delusion and finesse). I think that’s a story for another time, though.
What’s the best thing about running?
Feeling the blood rush to my head and body, breathing in fresh oxygen, detoxing through sweat, and being completely engaged and focused while also in a trance-like state. At its simplest, running, to me, equates to vitality—feeling alive to the fullest extent.
What’s the worst thing about running?
Why are you still running?

Name: Nile Marr
Age: 32
Location: Manchester UK/Portland Oregon
Occupation: Guitar Player
First Run:
Would have been years ago. I’m thinking my first real run would have been when I was still smoking weed at, like, 18 or 19? I was living in Sheffield, fresh back from Oregon, and figured those hills would do me good. My go-to route was smoke at the door, gear on, take a looooong uphill, and then a super good downhill just as everything hit you. Probably, like, a 6/7 miler.
Most Recent Run:
I'm on tour right now, so I haven’t had much free time, but I couldn’t not go for a run in Boston. Nice breezy 5 miles along the river, taking in the city. Running wearing gas station shades, feeling like a champ.
How/Why did you start running?
Got super into Pre after being in Oregon. At the time, I wasn’t a weightlifting guy and had that perfect shape for long, slow running, so I tried it, and it felt natural. Getting less and less natural the more weight training I do, though, it’s gotta be said.
What’s the best thing about running?
For me, it’s getting to run in the USA. It's a great way to get some city miles under your belt and really take it all in—the good and the bad.
What’s the worst thing about running?
The time sink and the laundry. I must have toxic sweat.
Why are you still running?

Name: Ben Rayner
Age: 39
Location: Nyack, New York
Occupation: Photographer/Director/Glue Factory Head Honcho
First Run:
I started running on the treadmill at the gym when I decided I needed to get my life together. I was around 26. I was partying hard and drinking and eating like crap. I managed a few kilometers first.
Most Recent Run:
This morning, I did a workout of 3x2 miles, as I am about to run the NYC Marathon.
How/Why did you start running?
It started as a way to get into shape, but it has become totally different as time has gone on. It's just part of my life, and I rarely run less than five days a week.
What’s the best thing about running?
Total disconnection from the rest of my life. Ninety-nine percent of my runs have no music or podcasts. The only thing I have to think about is the next mile.
What’s the worst thing about running?
I never hate running!
Why are you still running?

Name: Ping Zhu
Age: 36
Location: Brooklyn, NY
Occupation: Illustrator
First Run:
2001, Arcadia, CA, 400 meters. I was the second leg of a 4x400 relay for our middle school PE 'Olympics.' My shoe fell off partway because wearing fat laces loose on shell-toed Adidas was cool, so I didn’t tighten them before we started. We did well, but I heard one of my teammates making fun of me for it to his friends afterwards. To be fair, I should have tied my laces tighter… but Kyle, you were a jerk.
Most Recent Run:
Sep 29, 2024, New Rochelle, NY, 13.1 miles. It was a misty trail half that was a lot of fun with friends! I got my period in the morning and got stung by a bee at mile 2. I highly recommend it and would do it again.
How/Why did you start running?
I used to run around the neighborhood with my dad in the mornings before school, which was short-lived because I was a typical teen and didn’t want to wake up early. After that, I didn’t voluntarily run until my late 20s when I was trying to exercise outside of a gym. Then, my boyfriend (a consistent and talented runner) casually and randomly suggested doing the Brooklyn Half about two years into our relationship in 2017. My first thought was that he would break up with me if I didn’t, so I did and survived. We’re still together. Thanks, Running <3
What’s the best thing about running?
Granting yourself the possibility to see things in a different way, literally and mentally. Practicing humility.
What’s the worst thing about running?
Doing laundry constantly.
Why are you still running?
I’ve grown to enjoy it over the years and have made many wonderful friends through it. It’s been a reason to travel to new places and enrich my life overall. This year, I’ve done more trail running than ever before, and it’s like unlocking new areas on a video game map. I have nothing to prove, and the adventure continues…

Name: Ryan Lay
Age: 36
Location: Tempe, Arizona
Occupation: Pro skater
First Run:
The first real run I went on was the Grand Canyon R2R2R (45 miles) after finishing the Arizona Trail. I was comfortable hiking big days and wanted to see if it was possible for me without the heavy pack.
Most Recent Run:
I went on some really nice runs when we were just in Colorado in the San Juans and on the Colorado Trail near Little Molas Lake.
How/Why did you start running?
I got into trail running from thru-hiking. I hated running because I had always tried it on the track and road, and it beat me up so badly. Once I reframed it as adventure plus endurance, it opened up a whole new world for me. I love the thrill of getting lost in nature and having to rely on your own fitness to get you back.
What’s the best thing about running?
Sunsets in the desert.
What’s the worst thing about running?
Tough on my skate legs.