It was another terrific month for reader mail. We got letters from far and wide, and all of them were about—you guessed it—running! There was one letter, though, that was not about running. It was literally just a letter. ‘Dear POSSESSED,’ it read, followed by the alphabetic symbol ‘T,’ which is technically a letter. This letter featuring a single letter was very silly, and the person who wrote it (someone named William Halstead) is a very silly man. No stickers for you, Willy.
If you’d like to write a letter that is not as silly as William’s silly letter, hit us up!
I was wondering about ‘wave’ or ‘nod’ etiquette while running. When I pass any type of runner, I usually throw up my hand or a peace sign to say hello. Sort of to say, ‘Hey, we're both in this together,’ or ‘Hell yeah! brother/sister.’ Or sometimes I'll just give the quick ‘sup’ head nod. Not that I think I'm high and mighty or some type of revolutionist for doing this, but I think it's a positive thing. But then there's the other side of this: the runners who refuse to acknowledge you, the ones who look straight ahead and use all their power to keep their eye muscles straight. I give the wave, but they do not. Then I think they're a prick. Then I'm bummed about my reaction. Maybe they are going through some stuff... Maybe they're in the zone... Who knows? I don't know where I'm going with this. Maybe you have a take on it.
Drew Church,
NSW, Australia
Oh, Drew, I’m ashamed to say that I am one of those prick runners that stares straight ahead. Not because I’m a snob but because I’ve been burned too many times when I’ve given the nod/wave. I gave up on my fellow runners a long time ago. The only time I signal now is when I see someone coming towards me who is ancient. It feels right to be saluting the old guard with a nod, but I imagine they’re probably thinking, ‘Fuck off, Junior.’
Running is not skateboarding.
It sure isn’t, but it is a fun outdoor activity, and most of the people who participate in it are excited to see the culture flourish and become more than what the dowdy, traditionalist gatekeepers want it to be. Ch-ch-ch-changes.
Where can I buy a copy of the Courtney Dauwalter issue?
James, Emily, Ethan, Thiago, Olivia, Michael, Chloe, Henry, Ava, Thomas, Grace, Jack, Isabella, Daniel, Sophia, Leila, Ravi, Anya, William, Emma, Jacob, Lily, Hiroshi, Amina, Juan, Noah, Charlotte, Benjamin, Hannah, Samuel, Amelia, Lucas, Abigail, Matthew, Madison, Owen, Mia, Ryan, Ella, Andrew, Harper, Alina, Kaito, Noor, Zane, Keira, Raj, Nathan, Scarlett, Zachary, Natalie, Caleb, Penelope, Luke, Claire, Joseph, Ruby, Charles, Violet, Christopher, Stella, and Bashir.
At the Satisfy store! And there's another print issue coming up! Watch this space.